Student Life & Perks
The DMV boasts a diverse food scene and thriving Brunch culture. Explore the region's cuisine through WAMU's Dish City podcast.
Visit the Smithsonian's 17 free museums, galleries, and zoo, America's first modern art museum, the world's largest collection of espionage artifacts, and more!
Discover moving shows all year long at over a dozen performing arts venues in and around DC. Follow the Kennedy Center, Arena Stage, the National Theater, and Signature Theater to catch the latest shows.
Black musicians from Washington, DC invented go-go and played a critical role in developing the jazz scene. You can catch go-go in the Shaw neighborhood. The U Street Corridor remains a popular destination for music as well. If you like classical, the National Symphony plays at the Kennedy Center. Assorted concerts are regularly held at other venues as well, including The Anthem on the Wharf in DC.
From professional to college teams and recreational leagues to pick-up games, DC is home to a robust community of sports enthusiasts.
U-Pass provides full-time students with unlimited use of the Metrorail and Metrobus for a discounted, flat fee. Students must be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours during a semester and pre-pay a $100 non-refundable fee via GW Student Account eBill in order to qualify for the U-Pass.
Distribution dates vary by semester, and this section will be updated once those dates are released. For more information, check out the U-Pass Student Transit Program's website.
GWorld cards are the official ID card used at GW and are used to gain access into buildings at the main campus in Foggy Bottom. Although GWorld cards are not required for SUP students, students may benefit from a variety of discounts at area restaurants.
*NOTE: SUP students do not need a GWorld card to access the Arlington campus.
To learn how you can get a GWorld card, visit the Getting Your Card page on the GWorld website. To learn more on where you can use your GWorld card, visit the GWorld Card Program website.